Summer Holidays: Back to School and Health-Ready for Anything

As the summer holidays come to an end and the new school term beckons, we know our patients who are parents and carers are busy-busy. Amidst the hustle and bustle of back-to-school shopping, there’s one thing our team urge you to stop and check, and that’s your child’s vaccinations. Are they up to date?
Vaccinations are for life
Vaccines play a vital role in protecting your child from severe and sometimes fatal diseases such as measles, mumps and polio. They help to protect their classmates’ wellbeing and the rest of the community too.
Vaccines work by triggering the immune system to build up its defences against specific illnesses, ultimately reducing the risk of severe complications and even death.
For the best protection, it’s crucial that vaccines are given on time, as recommended by healthcare professionals. However, it’s never too late to catch up if your child’s vaccinations are behind schedule.
How to check which vaccines your child needs
To find out what vaccines your child needs and when they should receive them, visit the website.
This essential resource will guide you through the recommended vaccination schedule, ensuring that your child is protected against various childhood illnesses such as measles, mumps, rubella, and more.
Checking whether your child is up to date and booking an appointment
If you have concerns regarding your child’s vaccinations or aren’t sure whether they are up to date, just give us a quick call or send us a message via our online form so we can check for you.
Our team are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about vaccinations and address any concerns you may have, as well as book your child in for their vaccinations at the surgery.
Remember that most of our doctors, nurses and practice staff are parents too. We know all too well about the anxieties that can arise when it comes to keeping our loved ones healthy and safe.
Don’t wait – vaccinations protect children from preventable diseases so take some time now to check their vaccination records, speak to us if they need to catch up and let’s give your child the healthiest start to the new academic year.