Received a 2024 GP Patient Survey in the post?

Posted by: kara - Posted on:

experience, feedback, survey

Help us by having your say on the way local GP services are working 

Around 2.5 million people aged 16 and over, who receive care from a GP practice in England, will be invited to take part in Europe’s biggest patient experience survey in early January. The responses collected will help the NHS improve local health services for you and your family.

If you’ve received a patient survey in the post asking you about your experiences at our practice, it is important that we hear about your experiences even if you haven’t visited us recently, or if you have filled in a questionnaire before.  

The invitations are mostly sent by letter to a random selection of people who have been with their GP practice for at least six months. The survey team at NHS England will follow up with a text message reminder (where a mobile number is available) to encourage the highest possible response rate.

If you receive a survey invitation, please do take the time to take part.  It provides vital information to the NHS to identify what’s working well and what can be improved. It helps to identify inequalities in experience too, as the results can be analysed across different protected characteristics.  

If you want to check out how our practice faired in last year’s survey, take a look at the survey website: